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The Georgia State Department of Driver Services designates the fees that are paid for the DUI/Risk Reduction Course. They are the same for every course, at every school, in the entire State of Georgia.

The course consists of two (2) components. The Assessment Component and the Intervention Component (3 days of class).

Fees are as follows:

$100.00 Assessment Fee

$235.00 Intervention Component

$ 25.00 Workbook for the Class

$360.00 Total Program Cost

All fees must be paid before you can participate in the Intervention Component of the course and receive a Certificate of Completion.

Assessments are conducted by appointment Monday-Sunday at an agreed upon time.

You are required to come in or register online for the program. You can complete the Assessment ($100.00) and pay for the Intervention Component (Class & Workbook $360.00) at a later date.

NOTE: A seat in the Class Will Not be

reserved for you, until the total balance $360.00 for the Assessment and Intervention Component (Class & Workbook) is paid in full.

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